Wow. Just when I thought I had everything under control, now I seem to be getting a cold. Great. My throat was sore yesterday, but I was hoping it would go away. No such luck. It's even more sore today and now I'm getting all stopped up. Lovely. I'm starting to cough. Not a lot, but that's not the problem. Each cough = more headache pain. Yup. It literally hurts my head to cough. Fortunately I picked up the mega-size bag of cough drops at Sam's yesterday.
Oh, yeah. Sam's. Bobby and I went there yesterday afternoon as we were in need of cereal and Pop-Tarts. You know. 2 of the 4 basic food groups! We were worried about whether I could go trekking around the store, so I used the cool electric cart/chair things they have. What I learned from that is my not driving a car is a good choice! Once I figured out the controls it was no problem maneuvering the cart. However, trying to pay attention while things in my peripheral vision were "whizzing" by definitely did not help the headache/dizziness situation. By the time we were waiting in line, I had reached the end of my tolerance. I was just glad we only needed a few things.
In case you're wondering..........we completely forgot to get cat food while we were there. Oops. Cats are pissed off and not eating at all. Ever since I walked in to the kitchen and didn't have new food they've both literally turned their backs on me and are not acknowledging my presence.
And that time at the top of this post is not messed up. I got up shortly after Bobby left for work as I was having problems breathing due to the congestion. I had also gone to bed about 11:30, which is actually early for me! I also could tell I already needed to take some meds to see if they help the headache pain, which is pretty bad already. Thank God I can just go to sleep again later when I get tired. :-)
Ok. I'm off to eat some of that cereal and take some drugs. I'll check in later.
Love to all!