31 December 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!


Guess what......I actually left the house yesterday. Of course, it was to go take care of switching car insurance companies and to look for shoes for Bobby and go to the grocery store, but I'll take what I can get. Not that any of the chores were exciting, but I got pretzels at the mall, so I'm content. (And Bobby discovered that the shoes he liked were too wide through the heel, so that was all we got at the mall).

So far, the headache's a little better today. The center of the pain has moved, though. It's moved from the left front to kind of the right center, though there's still a "hot spot" pain in the left front. Unfortunately, it feels as if it's going to develop into a rather large area of pain by the end of the day.

Everyone - have a wonderful, fun, safe and sane New Year's Eve. E ya next year!
