11 March 2009

Yet another doctor

Well, I didn't take the Ambien last night and I slept about 5 hours, which used to be a normal amount of sleep for me. I did wake up at least twice due to headache pain, but I got some sleep. I got the paperwork filled out for the long-term disability yesterday, even though it took me several hours and caused an even worse headache. Since my appointment with the hematologist is near where I work, I'll drop off the completed form when I'm over that direction. I'll be taking the physician's statement to my doctor today for him to complete and fax to the insurance company.

It's difficult to complete the paperwork when you don't even have a diagnosis, let alone an estimated "return to work date." Not to mention they want information on all the doctors seen for this condition, and only give you room to list one! Needless to say, I had an extensive attachment.

I'll try to update again after my appointment this afternoon.