07 January 2009

First try of new drug

Well, I started the nortriptyline last night. No change in headache today, but I really didn't expect an immediate difference. However, doing some research I discovered that the nortriptyline is a type of anti-depressant. I've been on Setraline (Zoloft) for years now and it's a different type of anti-depressant. There is a potential of bad interactions between the two, so I'll be calling the doctor and asking about the dangers before I continue on.

I'm still waiting on blood test results and the CTA.

Meanwhile, I've started working on the lifestyle changes the neurologist recommended so I can try to avoid getting diabetes. I'm now drinking water (got some lemons so I'll drink more) and I'm trying to set a schedule for sleeping. I'm sure I'll still have an occasional Fitz's Root Beer or Mountain Dew, but it will be water the vast majority of the time. I had a real tough time falling asleep last night as it was several hours before I normally go to bed. We'll see how that change works.

One of my friends has offered to sell me an elliptical machine she does not use! Awesome! Sometimes it pays to ask, doesn't it? Hopefully, I'll have it within the next week or so and I can begin getting more exercise. I don't think that half block walk to get my mail really qualifies.

As I get more information/updates, I'll pass it on. Thank you all for your prayers and support.